Terminasi CJS Coldshrink 20 kV 1X Indoor 70 – 120 mm2
The cold shrinkable termination offers easy installation and reliable performance when terminating indoor and outdoor medium voltage cables. Made from high quality, UV resistant, silicone rubber, the cold shrinkable termination offers a combination of durability and high performance in the field.
The cold shrinkable terminations include a stress controlling compound housing, pre-assembled on a plastic “holdout” tube. As the plastic hold out is removed, the stress relief
housing shrinks onto the cable. The terminations are easy to install and have a wide application range. No tools, or heat sources are required. The products are designed to last the entire life of the cable. The terminations are designed to withstand voltages up to 36 kV.
- Environmental top sealing treatment three steps to provide a seal to against the entrance of the external environment
- Excellent external housing imported LSR offers excellent hydrophobicity and great anti-tracking property to ensure the power safety
- Stress control stress cone adopts well designed geography analysis to smooth out the high stress area
- Earth connection adopt solderless earth connection to connect metal screen or armor to ground. For cables with wire screen, copper wires are imbedded in the sealing mastic to prevent any corrosion by moisture sealing
Terminasi CJS Coldshrink 20 kV 1X Indoor 70 – 120 mm2
Voltage : 12/20KV;12.7/22KV
Cores : 1X (Single Core)
Cable Cross Section : 70-120 mm2
Nominal Insulation Thickness : 5.5 mm
Diameter Over Insultaion : 21-26.5 mm
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